Which Of The Five Types Of Angels Are You?
367f352 Which Of The Five Types Of Angels Are You? Which Of The Five Types Of Angels Are You? There are five distinct types of angels- each with a different role. Which of the five types of angels are you? Do you protect and guard or do you bring peace and harmony? Take these 10 quiz question and reveal your true angelic side!

Choose a planet:

Choose a planet:
  • Earth
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Mars
  • Neptune

Which word would a loved one use to describe you?

Which word would a loved one use to describe you?
  • Gentle
  • Loyal
  • Charismatic
  • Clever
  • Compassionate

Which word would you use to describe yourself?

Which word would you use to describe yourself?
  • Introverted
  • Talkative
  • Kind
  • Protective
  • Loving

What do you think a stranger would think of you?

What do you think a stranger would think of you?
  • That I'm a little eccentric.
  • That I'm confident and social.
  • That I'm shy and reserved.
  • That I'm a bit all over the place.
  • That I'm awkward.

Would a friend ask you to watch their pets?

Would a friend ask you to watch their pets?
  • Yes, animals love me!
  • Yes, but only because I'm too nice.
  • Maybe, if there was no one else.
  • Probably not, I'm not really into animals.

When you enter a crowded room, what happens?

When you enter a crowded room, what happens?
  • People can't help but notice me.
  • I find a familiar face and strike up a conversation.
  • I slink to the corners to be alone.
  • I find someone new to talk to.

You're volunteering and are given three options for helping, what do you pick?

You're volunteering and are given three options for helping, what do you pick?
  • The dirty work
  • The not so dirty work
  • The hands off work

What inspires you most?

What inspires you most?
  • Music
  • War
  • None of these
  • Nature
  • Art
  • Love

What is most important to you in life?

What is most important to you in life?
  • Friends
  • Finding your soulmate
  • Spiritual fulfillment
  • The well being of others
  • Family

How long does it take for you to trust others?

How long does it take for you to trust others?
  • Days
  • Months
  • Years
  • Weeks
  • Hours