Why Did You Last Cry?
Why Did You Last Cry?
Are you just a sensitive soul?
Do you consider yourself sensitive?

- Yes I do
- It depends
- Not at all
How's your life been lately?

- It's been going great
- It's been okay
- It's been terrible
Have you lost anyone close to you recently?

Do you believe crying is a weakness?

Do you cry often?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- Not at all
How are you with saying goodbye?

- I'm terrible with it
- It depends
- I'm alright with it
How are you dealing with stress?

- I'm bad at dealing with stress
- I'm okay with it
- I'm good at it
What type of crier are you?

- I sob hard
- I'm a silent crier
- I cover my face
- I hold it in until it becomes too much
- I'm not sure
Are you quick to get over things?

- Yes I am
- It depends
- No I don't
How do you usually act when you get physically hurt?

- I scream and cry
- I curse
- I try to stay quiet
- I usually laugh it off
- I'm not sure