Is College The Right Path For You?
393cda0 Is College The Right Path For You? Is College The Right Path For You? College might be right for some, but it's certainly not the right path for everyone! Is college right for you or should you do something else? Whether you're young or looking for a second act, we'll help you to find your true path. Ready? Begin!

During the average week, how much time do you set aside for reading?

During the average week, how much time do you set aside for reading?
  • At least two hours a day.
  • Maybe an hour a day.
  • None, I do it when I have time.

Do you know exactly what you want to do with your life?

Do you know exactly what you want to do with your life?
  • Yes, I have a pretty set plan.
  • Kind of, I'm in between ideas.
  • Not really, I have no clue what I want.

Some people take a few years off before going to college. Is this something that appeals to you?

Some people take a few years off before going to college. Is this something that appeals to you?
  • Absolutely, I need to get to know myself better!
  • In some ways, but I think it would kill the momentum.
  • Nope, I want to dive straight in.

There are lots of great things about college, but what would be the best part for you?

There are lots of great things about college, but what would be the best part for you?
  • The friendships
  • The sports
  • Studying and learning

What's the longest amount of time you've spent away from home?

What's the longest amount of time you've spent away from home?
  • A day or two.
  • A full week.
  • Two or more weeks.

Everyone fears something about college, but what scares you the most?

Everyone fears something about college, but what scares you the most?
  • The costs
  • The lack of free time
  • The work

Would you rather live in a dorm or your own apartment?

Would you rather live in a dorm or your own apartment?
  • I would rather have my own apartment.
  • I would most want to live in a dorm.
  • Neither sounds great to me.

If you were failing a class in college, would you drop the course or talk to your teacher?

If you were failing a class in college, would you drop the course or talk to your teacher?
  • I would 100% talk to the teacher.
  • I would silently try to improve my grade.
  • I would drop the class.

What's your ideal place for studying?

What's your ideal place for studying?
  • A coffee shop
  • A library
  • A friend's house

Are you the type of person who learns new subjects quickly?

Are you the type of person who learns new subjects quickly?
  • Yes, I'm pretty much a genius.
  • In certain instances.
  • Nope, not at all.