What Type of Girl are you?
What Type of Girl are you?
Take this quiz to find out.
What’s your favorite part about school?

- Meeting new friends
- Maths
- Lunch
- English
- All the hot guys
- Gym
Outfit choice?

- Something flowery and beautiful, like a princess.
- Something stylish that looks good on me. Bonus points if it’s sexy.
- Something comfy. I don’t really care about how I look.
Someone’s spreading rumors about you. You:

- Start an even nastier rumor about them.
- Be nice.
- Go up and slap them.
- Convince everyone to ignore him/her.
- Ignore, you don’t really care anyways.
How long does it usually take for you to get ready in the morning?

- Not long at all.
- A long time.
Favorite sport?

- Dance
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Competitive Swimming
- None
What type do you usually fall for?

- Sexy, but also smart.
- They act bad, but you can tell they are kind at heart.
- The whole package.
- Fictional characters
- Confident
- Jocks
What’s your view on makeup?

Are you on your phone a lot?

Lastly, do you get mad easily?