Which Rich Lady Are You?
Which Rich Lady Are You?
Which of the world's richest ladies are you?
What's your sign?

- Leo/Virgo
- Libra/Scorpio
- Gemini/Cancer
- Aries/Taurus
- Sagittarius/Capricorn
- Aquarius/Pisces
What would you say your best quality is?

- My looks
- My brain
- My kindness
- My style
- Other
When someone is in trouble, you're most likely to:

- Jump right in to help
- Get frustrated at the situation
- Stay wary of the situation
- Call for help
- I'm not sure
Which word best describes you?

- Caring
- Passionate
- Intelligent
- Diligent
- Creative
Which of these is most important to you?

- Fame
- Fortune
- Love
- Creativity
- Other
Are you an organized person?

- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Yes I am
Where would you like to live?

- In the city
- In the country
- In the mountains
- By the ocean
- I'm not sure
Are you a patient person?

- Heck no
- I would say I'm pretty patient
- I'm very patient
Does money hold a lot of value to you?

- Not at all
- It kind of does
- Absolutely
What do you hope to do with your life?

- Become famous
- Become rich
- Open up a store
- To help a ton of people
- Other