How Forgiving Are You?
3d16f06 How Forgiving Are You? How Forgiving Are You? Do you tend to hold a grudge or do you let things go easily?

What do you usually do when someone cuts you off in traffic?

What do you usually do when someone cuts you off in traffic?
  • Mumble a little bit do nothing
  • Don't even really acknowledge it
  • Tap your horn and mumble to yourself
  • Just lean on the horn
  • Roll down the windows and shout

What would your reaction be if you ran into someone from your past that didn't treat you very well?

What would your reaction be if you ran into someone from your past that didn't treat you very well?
  • Just greet them but act reserved
  • Greet them and smile. The past is the past
  • You ignore them
  • Other

Your friend ends up canceling plans with you at the last minute. What do you do?

Your friend ends up canceling plans with you at the last minute. What do you do?
  • Express your annoyance with them
  • Ignore them for awhile
  • Just let it go
  • Make plans for another time

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
  • Depends on what they did
  • No I do not
  • Yes I do
  • I'm not sure

What would you do if you found your significant other cheating on you with your best friend?

What would you do if you found your significant other cheating on you with your best friend?
  • Yell at the both of them and cut them out of my life
  • I let them go but I do not express my anger
  • I try to talk to them
  • I'm not sure

Who do you usually confide to first when you're having a bad day?

Who do you usually confide to first when you're having a bad day?
  • My mom or dad
  • My sibling
  • My best friend
  • Other
  • I try to let it go

Do you believe in revenge?

Do you believe in revenge?
  • Only for the worst actions
  • It depends on the person
  • No I don't
  • Yes I do

If you found out a friend stole from you, could you forgive them?

If you found out a friend stole from you, could you forgive them?
  • Absolutely not
  • Yes I probably could
  • I don't know

When someone has betrayed you, do you usually wish the worst on them?

When someone has betrayed you, do you usually wish the worst on them?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't
  • Depends on the situation
  • Sometimes

You find out a friend has spread a rumor about you. How do you react?

You find out a friend has spread a rumor about you. How do you react?
  • Spread a bigger rumor about them
  • Try to talk to them
  • Try to break the rumor
  • Wait for their apology