What Are Your Original Roots Based On Your Memories?
What Are Your Original Roots Based On Your Memories?
Who are your ancestors?
What is your first memory?

- Going on vacation
- Playing at home
- Going to a birthday party
- Playing outside
- Other
Do you experience déjà by often?

- All the time
- Every once in awhile
- Not really
How often do you remember your dreams?

- Every single time
- I remember them every once in awhile
- I don't usually remember them
Do you have any fears?

- The ocean
- Being publicly humiliated
- Seeing blood
- Anything supernatural
- Other
Do you remember being well-liked as a kid?

- I was very popular
- I had a good amount of friends
- I wasn't very popular
When do you usually experience déjà vu?

- By bodies of water
- In times of conflict
- When I'm alone and reflecting
- When I have to make an important decision
- Other
Do you remember your parents fighting often when you were a kid?

- Almost all the time
- Not really
- They never fought
What do you usually remember when you look back?

- Hardships
- Past loves
- Accomplishments
- School
- I'm not sure
Do you remember your first love?

- I do actually
- No I don't
- I do somewhat
Do you ever feel an unexplainable fear when you think about the past?

- Not at all
- Very rarely
- I do actually