How Much Of A Lady Are You?
4084b18 How Much Of A Lady Are You? How Much Of A Lady Are You? How ladylike are you exactly? Take this quiz to find out!

Would you say you have impeccable manners?

Would you say you have impeccable manners?
  • I would say I'm very polite
  • Yes as that's how I was raised
  • I wouldn't say so
  • Not at all

Do you have a temper easily?

Do you have a temper easily?
  • I fly off the handle quite often
  • Not at all
  • A bit depending on my mood
  • I'm not sure

When you greet people, what do you usually do?

When you greet people, what do you usually do?
  • Give them a friendly hug
  • Politely smile
  • Shake their hand
  • Just say hello

How often do you wear makeup?

How often do you wear makeup?
  • Everyday
  • Only on special occasions
  • A couple times a week
  • I don't wear makeup

How would you describe your sense of style?

How would you describe your sense of style?
  • Casual
  • Chic
  • Trendy
  • Modest
  • Edgy
  • None of these

What's one of your life goals out these?

What's one of your life goals out these?
  • Create a loving family
  • Become very successful
  • Master a certain talent
  • Travel the world

Are you a fan of the outdoors?

Are you a fan of the outdoors?
  • Yes, I love getting out whenever I can
  • If the weather isn't bad
  • If I'm by a place without too many bugs, yes
  • Not at all

Do you curse often?

Do you curse often?
  • Multiple times per days
  • If I'm hurt or in a bad mood
  • Not very often
  • Not at all

Are you one to get into fights often?

Are you one to get into fights often?
  • Never
  • Depends if they threatened my loved ones
  • I'm not too sure
  • Very often

Biggest pet peeve out of these?

Biggest pet peeve out of these?
  • Chewing with your mouth open
  • Cursing exssesivly
  • Too much drama
  • Messiness