What Is Your Lucky Flower?
What Is Your Lucky Flower?
Where will your luck bloom?
What do you believe is most important in life?

- Love
- Family
- Peace
- Adventure
- Success
Do you like a good challenge?

- Of course
- It depends
- No I don't
What do you think you have the least amount of luck in?

- Love
- My career
- Finding tranquility
- Protecting my family
- Other
What do you think makes you a good friend?

- My loyalty
- My passion
- My ability to listen
- My colorful nature
- My kindness
Which one are you?

- Realist
- Optimist
- Pessimist
Do you prefer to be surrounded by others or be alone in solitude?

- Be surrounded by others
- Be in solitude
Which of these do you usually put first?

- Family
- Relationships
- Peace
- Dreams
- Happiness
How many close friends do you have?

- I have a lot of close friends
- I have quite a few
- I have just a couple
- I only have one
How do you usually handle conflict?

- I stay calm
- I panic
- I try taking control of the situation
- Other
Do you attract love interests?