What Is Your Lucky Flower?
412df75 What Is Your Lucky Flower? What Is Your Lucky Flower? Where will your luck bloom?

What do you believe is most important in life?

What do you believe is most important in life?
  • Love
  • Family
  • Peace
  • Adventure
  • Success

Do you like a good challenge?

Do you like a good challenge?
  • Of course
  • It depends
  • No I don't

What do you think you have the least amount of luck in?

What do you think you have the least amount of luck in?
  • Love
  • My career
  • Finding tranquility
  • Protecting my family
  • Other

What do you think makes you a good friend?

What do you think makes you a good friend?
  • My loyalty
  • My passion
  • My ability to listen
  • My colorful nature
  • My kindness

Which one are you?

Which one are you?
  • Realist
  • Optimist
  • Pessimist

Do you prefer to be surrounded by others or be alone in solitude?

Do you prefer to be surrounded by others or be alone in solitude?
  • Be surrounded by others
  • Be in solitude

Which of these do you usually put first?

Which of these do you usually put first?
  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Peace
  • Dreams
  • Happiness

How many close friends do you have?

How many close friends do you have?
  • I have a lot of close friends
  • I have quite a few
  • I have just a couple
  • I only have one

How do you usually handle conflict?

How do you usually handle conflict?
  • I stay calm
  • I panic
  • I try taking control of the situation
  • Other

Do you attract love interests?

Do you attract love interests?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't