How Mindful Are You?
How Mindful Are You?
Are you aware of your surroundings?
Do you usually think before you speak?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Not at all
How would you say your concentration is for most tasks?

- I have excellent concentration
- I have great concentration
- I have good concentration
- I have okay concentration
How do you feel about exercise?

- It's a time to get away
- I love it
- It's a chore but I do it
- I can't stand it
In difficult situations you:

- Make a pros and cons list
- I try to asses the situation
- I act from gut
Have you ever practiced yoga or meditation?

- I do it every day
- I try to do it once a week
- I try to do it whenever I can
- I don't do it
What pace do you usually live life at?

Do you usually focus on the small details or the big picture?

- The big picture
- The small details
Which do you live in?

- The past
- The present
- The future
Do you usually think of the other's person feelings during an argument?

- Of course
- I try to
- Not always
- Not at all
How often do you find yourself lost in thought?

- Frequently
- Occasionally
- Never