Which Age Will You Live Until?
41f923a Which Age Will You Live Until? Which Age Will You Live Until? Can we guess which age you'll live to based on a few simple quiz questions? It's time to find out! Embark on this quiz and discover which age you'll end up living till!

How often do you exercise?

How often do you exercise?
  • Once a day
  • Once a week
  • Around 3 weeks after New Years.
  • Maybe every couple of months.
  • Does lifting the remote count?

How often do you drink?

How often do you drink?
  • A glass of wine everyday!
  • Maybe a drink or two a day.
  • Only on the weekends.
  • Hardly ever.

Where did you grow up?

Where did you grow up?
  • In a house.
  • In an apartment.
  • In a cave system.
  • In a tent.
  • None of these.

Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes?

Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes?
  • Yes, I still smoke.
  • I quit years ago.
  • I've never smoked.

You have the day off. What are you most likely to do?

You have the day off. What are you most likely to do?
  • Meet up with friends for lunch.
  • Go to the park.
  • Read a good book.
  • Run errands.
  • Catch up on chores.

When was the last time you had sex?

When was the last time you had sex?
  • I can't even remember...
  • Sometime in the past week.
  • A few months ago.
  • A few years ago.

What time do you typically wake up on a weekday?

What time do you typically wake up on a weekday?
  • 6 AM
  • 7 AM
  • 8 AM
  • 9 AM
  • After 10 AM

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), how stressed are you daily?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), how stressed are you daily?
  • 10
  • 7
  • 5
  • 3
  • 1

How close are you with your family?

How close are you with your family?
  • Very close
  • Somewhat close
  • Not close at all

Have you ever meditated?

Have you ever meditated?
  • I meditate daily!
  • I've tried it, but I don't care for it.
  • Nope, never tried it.