What Country Should You Be The King Or Queen Of?
4205580 What Country Should You Be The King Or Queen Of? What Country Should You Be The King Or Queen Of? If you were to reign over a country, which country would it be? Are you proper enough to rule England or is a smaller kingdom in order? Take these 10 quiz questions and find out where you're really meant to rule!

As a royal, you have an assistant to tend to your needs. How would you like them to refer to you?

As a royal, you have an assistant to tend to your needs. How would you like them to refer to you?
  • Sir or madam
  • Your majesty
  • Chief
  • Dear leader
  • Royal highness

As a ruler, it's most important that your people have....

As a ruler, it's most important that your people have....
  • Economic prosperity
  • A sense of obedience
  • Sustainable resources
  • Security
  • Access to food, water, and healthcare.

How would you prefer to come to power?

How would you prefer to come to power?
  • Be born into a ruling family.
  • Marry into a royal family.
  • Play my way through the system.

How much do other people's opinions weigh into your decisions?

How much do other people's opinions weigh into your decisions?
  • Very little
  • A bit
  • A lot

What kind of climate would you prefer to live in?

What kind of climate would you prefer to live in?
  • Mostly hot
  • Mostly cold
  • A mix of hot and cold

Your ex-lover is talking about you to the press. What do you do?

Your ex-lover is talking about you to the press. What do you do?
  • Have them killed.
  • Arrange to tell my side of the story.
  • Ignore it and hope it goes away.

When ruling your country, in what would you want to invest the most money?

When ruling your country, in what would you want to invest the most money?
  • Weapons
  • Technology
  • Tourism
  • Agriculture

What do you think about political parties?

What do you think about political parties?
  • There should only be one political party.
  • There should be multiple parties.
  • The more parties the better.

Rules are made for a reason. You think rules are…

Rules are made for a reason. You think rules are…
  • Meant to be broken.
  • Never to be broken.
  • I don't know, it depends on my mood!

How religious are you?

How religious are you?
  • Very religious.
  • Somewhat religious.
  • Not religious at all.