Can We Guess The Season You Were Born In?
Can We Guess The Season You Were Born In?
Can we guess which of the four seasons you were born in? Answer these ten questions to find out!
What is your favorite season?

- Spring
- Winter
- Summer
- Fall
Your friends want to go out, but it is raining. Do you still want to go?

- Yes
- No
- It depends on how hard it is raining
Your favorite outfit would be incomplete without...

- My favorite sweater
- My favorite shorts
- My favorite accessory
Pick your favorite summer activity

- Going to the beach
- Taking hikes
- Camping
- Not going to school
Now, pick your favorite winter activity

- Building snowmen
- Sledding/skiing
- Ice skating
- I don't know, there is no snow where I live
Do you like to bake?

- Yes
- No, but I like to cook
- No
What is your favorite holiday?

- Christmas
- Halloween
- Easter
- My birthday is my favorite holiday
Did you ever get to skip school for your birthday?

- Always
- Only if I was sick
- No
Which of these words best describe you?

- Organized
- Exciting
- Creative
- Lazy
Would you change your birthday if you could?