What’s Your NASA Zodiac Sign?
4239161 What’s Your NASA Zodiac Sign? What’s Your NASA Zodiac Sign? As you may already know, NASA recently discovered that there are actually 13 signs in the zodiac instead of 12, meaning that every zodiac sign changed! Do you know what your NASA zodiac sign is? Let's find out!

Which of these natural elements are you most drawn to?

Which of these natural elements are you most drawn to?
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Water
  • Earth

Are you highly sociable or a bit more reserved?

Are you highly sociable or a bit more reserved?
  • Reserved
  • Sociable
  • It depends on my mood

What's your dream job?

What's your dream job?
  • Entrepreneur
  • Writer
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Designer

Which hobby do you most enjoy?

Which hobby do you most enjoy?
  • Painting/drawing
  • Cooking
  • Athletics
  • Model making
  • Interior design

What is most important to you?

What is most important to you?
  • Romance
  • Success
  • Stablity
  • Knowledge

What season were you born in?

What season were you born in?
  • Spring
  • Sumemr
  • Winter
  • Fall

What do you find most interesting?

What do you find most interesting?
  • Astronomy
  • Marine biology
  • Human psychology
  • History
  • Art

What color are you most drawn to?

What color are you most drawn to?
  • Orange
  • Red