What Candy Best Represents Your Sex Life?
45b89d2 What Candy Best Represents Your Sex Life? What Candy Best Represents Your Sex Life? Think long and hard about your sex life. Which candy really depicts what goes on in your bedroom? Feel free to think outside the box on this quiz. Is your sex life a bit of a "Snickers?" Perhaps, it's more like some Fun Dip! Let's find out which candy really best represents what goes on behind your closed doors!

First of all- what kind of relationship are you in?

First of all- what kind of relationship are you in?
  • Open relationship
  • Long term monogamous
  • Married, monogamous.
  • Dating.
  • Single and loving it!

What's the best precursor to a night of intimate hijinks?

What's the best precursor to a night of intimate hijinks?
  • A nice candlelit dinner
  • A board game
  • A night on the town
  • Lots of alcohol
  • Just TV and some food

Have you ever injured yourself in the bedroom?

Have you ever injured yourself in the bedroom?
  • On more than one occasion!
  • Not that I can recall.
  • Just a few bumps and bruises.
  • Yup, things get pretty rowdy!

Put your humbleness aside for a second. How good are you in the bedroom?

Put your humbleness aside for a second. How good are you in the bedroom?
  • I'm spectacular.
  • I've been told I'm a good time.
  • I think I'm about average.
  • I'm a love machine.
  • I'm okay I guess.

If you were having a bit of trouble in the bedroom, would it be easy for you to talk about it?

If you were having a bit of trouble in the bedroom, would it be easy for you to talk about it?
  • Yes, I'm not embarrassed in the slightest.
  • Somewhat, I'd be as honest as I can be.
  • Not at all, I'm a bit bashful about these things.

Do you like to plan a night of romance or is it more of a spur of the moment thing?

Do you like to plan a night of romance or is it more of a spur of the moment thing?
  • I always like to plan ahead.
  • I try to mix it up and do both.
  • I like to let whatever happens, happen.
  • I leave everything up to chance.

About how many times per week are you getting busy?

About how many times per week are you getting busy?
  • 1-2
  • Zero
  • 3-4
  • 5-6
  • All 7!

Are you all about getting to business or do you like some seduction and foreplay ahead of time?

Are you all about getting to business or do you like some seduction and foreplay ahead of time?
  • There's got to be foreplay!
  • I'm into it both ways.
  • A little foreplay is nice.
  • I'll take what I can get.
  • Get down to business!

Have you ever gotten frisky outside of the bedroom?

Have you ever gotten frisky outside of the bedroom?
  • I'm very adventurous.
  • Only as far as the living room.
  • Whenever, wherever!
  • Nope, and that's how I like it.
  • Not yet, but I'd be open to it.

They say men think about sex every 10 seconds. How often do you think about it?

They say men think about sex every 10 seconds. How often do you think about it?
  • Enough
  • Constantly
  • Frequently
  • Almost never