What Is Your Job Going To Be In The Afterlife?
What Is Your Job Going To Be In The Afterlife?
What will be your responsibility in your new life?
What do you think of bullying?

- It's terrible
- It's something I will stop
- It's sometimes needed
Which of these do you love most?

- My family
- Animals
- My significant other
- Money
- Other
Where would you rather live?

What makes a person good?

- Standing up for something you believe in
- Helping others
- Being honest
- Other
Do you tend to be more shy or outgoing?

Do you like to be in charge?

- Yes I do
- Not really
- No I don't
Are you a religious person?

Do you believe people can change over time?

- Yes I do
- In very few cases
- No they can't
How often do you donate to charity?

- Every day
- Once a week
- Once a month
- Once a year
- I can't even remember
Do you usually play it safe or take a chance?

- Play it safe
- Take a chance
- Stay put