How Sensitive Are You?
4789149 How Sensitive Are You? How Sensitive Are You? Some people are more sensitive than others. Take this quiz to discover if you are more, about the same, or less sensitive than others around you.

Pick a flower.

Pick a flower.
  • Orchid
  • Rose
  • Daisy
  • Tulip
  • None of these

Wool sweaters...

Wool sweaters...
  • Are comfy
  • Are itchy
  • Have a funny smell
  • None of these

What's your favorite season?

What's your favorite season?
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Winter
  • None of these

How do you feel about babies?

How do you feel about babies?
  • They're precious
  • They're ok
  • They're a pain
  • I don't know

How often do you get your feelings hurt?

How often do you get your feelings hurt?
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • I can't remember the last time I had hurt feelings

How do you feel about horror films?

How do you feel about horror films?
  • I hate them
  • Some are good
  • I love them
  • I don't know

Do you meditate?

Do you meditate?
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never
  • I don't know

How often do you cry?

How often do you cry?
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
  • I can't remember the last time I cried

What do you do when a sad commercial for animal shelters comes on?

What do you do when a sad commercial for animal shelters comes on?
  • Call in and donate
  • Watch and cry
  • Change the channel
  • Laugh
  • None of these

How do you feel about happy endings?

How do you feel about happy endings?
  • Every movie should have one
  • They're fine if they fit the story
  • They make me suspicious
  • I don't know