Could You Cut It As An Elementary School Teacher?
4ba1f9e Could You Cut It As An Elementary School Teacher? Could You Cut It As An Elementary School Teacher? Think molding the minds of the youth is a walk in the park? It may not be as easy as you think! Could you cut it as an elementary school teacher? Answer these 10 quiz questions and find out. You may not be classroom ready just yet.

How do you most like to communicate with others?

How do you most like to communicate with others?
  • Phone
  • Text
  • Email
  • Face to face.

Which group did you fit into back in high school?

Which group did you fit into back in high school?
  • Jocks
  • Nerds
  • Outliers
  • Overachievers

Which of your traits is strongest?

Which of your traits is strongest?
  • Logic
  • Creativity
  • Intelligence
  • Compassion

How would you describe your imagination in one word?

How would you describe your imagination in one word?
  • Vivid
  • Colorful
  • Rich
  • Absent

How would you describe your level of patience?

How would you describe your level of patience?
  • Monk like.
  • Pretty high.
  • Not high at all.
  • Average.

Which scenario scares you the most?

Which scenario scares you the most?
  • Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • Public speaking.
  • Being criticized by a superior.
  • Getting sneezed on.

What is your leadership style like?

What is your leadership style like?
  • Fair
  • Authoratative
  • Kind
  • Strict

If you were to get a call from an angry parent, your reaction would be...

If you were to get a call from an angry parent, your reaction would be...
  • Calmly hear them out.
  • Ignore their call.
  • Defend myself.
  • Listen, but do nothing.

Which would frustrate you the most?

Which would frustrate you the most?
  • Being interrupted.
  • Not getting paid enough.
  • Following a set plan.
  • Being disrespected.

Do you have any children?

Do you have any children?
  • I have older children.
  • I have small children.
  • I don't have any children.
  • I have many pets.