What Would You Say To Your Best Friend?
What Would You Say To Your Best Friend?
What something you think your best friend should hear?
Who do you call first when you're in a bad mood?

- My best friend
- My parents
- My significant other
- My siblings
- Other
How long have you known your best friend?

- Less than a year
- 2-3 years
- 4-7 years
- 8-9 years
- 10+ years
Do you two talk frequently?

- All the time
- We talk occasionally
- Rarely
Why does your friend usually call you?

- For advice
- Just to chat
- To make plans
- Other
Do all your plans usually involve your best friend?

- Of course
- Not always
- No they're not
How often do you two fight?

- Frequently
- Occasionally
- Rarely
Is their family like your second family?

- Definitely
- Not really
- Not at all
Can you tell your best friend just about anything?

- Of course
- Sometimes
- No I can't
Who do you go to for advice?

- My parents
- My best friend
- My significant other
- Siblings
- Other
Do you and your best friend live by each other?

- No we don't
- We use to
- Yes we do