Which Emotion Are You?
4c0d102 Which Emotion Are You? Which Emotion Are You? Out of the many emotions, which are you?

Are you a hot headed person?

Are you a hot headed person?
  • Very hot headed
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Are you an impatient person?

Are you an impatient person?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It depends

Do you believe at love at first sight?

Do you believe at love at first sight?
  • Of course!
  • No, it doesn't exist
  • I'm not sure

You're called into work on your day off. What's your response?

You're called into work on your day off. What's your response?
  • Of course I'll come in
  • Can't you find someone else?
  • I already have plans
  • No! I'm not coming in!
  • Other

Are you outgoing?

Are you outgoing?
  • Not at all
  • Very
  • Somewhat
  • It depends

Would you say you're pessimistic or optimistic?

Would you say you're pessimistic or optimistic?
  • Pessimistic
  • Optimistic
  • A bit of both
  • I don't know

What do you wish you more like?

What do you wish you more like?
  • Outgoing
  • Calm
  • Reserved
  • Charming
  • Other

In your group of friends, which one would you say you are?

In your group of friends, which one would you say you are?
  • The mysterious one
  • The cheerful one
  • The charming one
  • Other

Which of these situations would you dislike most?

Which of these situations would you dislike most?
  • Having to give a public speech
  • Having to be polite to someone I dislike
  • Being rejected
  • Being humiliated
  • None of these

A project you've been working on doesn't turn out like you hope. What do you do?

A project you've been working on doesn't turn out like you hope. What do you do?
  • Throw a fit
  • Throw it away
  • Give it away to a loved one anyways
  • Laugh at it
  • I'm unsure