What Is The Craziest Thing You Will Do?
What Is The Craziest Thing You Will Do?
What mind-blowing thing will you do?
Are you a risk-taker?

- Of course
- Not really
- Not at all
Do you prefer to be surrounded by people or be in solitude?

- Be surrounded by people
- Be in solitude
How would your friends and family best describe you?

- Carefree
- Adventurous
- Brave
- Tranquil
- Optimistic
What inspires you?

- Faith
- Love
- Nature
- Art
- Other
Have you ever traveled outside your country?

- Yes I have
- Not yet
- No but I don't feel like it
Which of these could you handle?

- Heights
- Deep water
- Complete solitude
- I'm not sure
How satisfied are you with your current situation?

- I'm very satisfied
- I'm okay with it
- I'm not satisfied at all
When faced with a challenge you:

- Face it head on
- Try to ignore it
- Try to look for a solution
- I'm not sure
Generally, are you a confident person?

Which would you like to prevent from happening in your life?

- Boredom
- Apathy
- Laziness
- Dishonesty
- Loneliness