When Are You Going To Be Reborn?
When Are You Going To Be Reborn?
When will be your new life?
How old are you?

- 20-29
- 30-39
- 40-49
- 50-59
- 60+
What do you truly believe happens when you die?

- People die and become basically unconscious
- They go to either heaven or hell
- I'm not too sure
- They're reborn of course
How often do you exercise a week?

- Never
- Once a week
- 2-3 times a week
- 4-5 times a week
- 6 times a week
How would you say your diet is?

- It's completely healthy
- It's healthy with a few treats here or there
- It's a mix of both
- It's unhealthy but in moderation
- It's completely unhealthy
Have you ever had a near death experience?

- Never
- I don't remember
- Yes I have
Do you dabble in any recreational drugs?

- Of course
- Every once in awhile
- I use to
- Not at all
Do you have many regrets?

- Doesn't everyone?
- I try not to
- No I don't
Do you believe you've lived a satisfying life?

- Definitely
- It was pretty good
- Not at all
What do you hope to be reincarnated as?

Do you fear death at all?

- Who doesn't?
- I try not to
- Yes I do