Which US Town Is Your True Home?
50992d7 Which US Town Is Your True Home? Which US Town Is Your True Home? You may have been born very far from where you are supposed to be. Do you know which US town is your true home? Take these 10 questions and find out where you belong!

Do you believe a long cold spell in the weather can be brisk and refreshing?

Do you believe a long cold spell in the weather can be brisk and refreshing?
  • Definitely agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Strongly disagree

What is your position on long bouts of rain?

What is your position on long bouts of rain?
  • It's relaxing and makes everything feel clean
  • It's annoying and means I'm stuck inside
  • It depends on the day to be honest

Which of these cultural amenities would you most like to have nearby?

Which of these cultural amenities would you most like to have nearby?
  • A good museum
  • A local theater
  • A nice large park
  • A beach with a boardwalk
  • Ski resorts or resorts
  • Other

Would you rather send your child to a public school or a private school?

Would you rather send your child to a public school or a private school?
  • Public school
  • Private school
  • I'm undecided

How important is for you to have access to a church or center for spirituality?

How important is for you to have access to a church or center for spirituality?
  • Very important
  • Not important at all
  • It'd be nice but it doesn't matter

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
  • Golfing
  • Hiking or mountain biking
  • Surfing
  • Fishing
  • Gardening
  • Swimming
  • Other

Which type of geography would you most like to avoid when finding your dream location?

Which type of geography would you most like to avoid when finding your dream location?
  • Ocean/beach
  • Desert
  • Forests
  • Lakes and waterways
  • Wide open plains
  • Mountains and hills

What is your preferred mode of transportation?

What is your preferred mode of transportation?
  • My own two feet
  • Car
  • Bus
  • Subway
  • Taxi/Uber
  • Other

How important is nightlife to you?

How important is nightlife to you?
  • I love to boogie
  • I like nice restaurants to eat at
  • I like a good variety of things to do
  • It's not important I mostly stay in
  • I'm usually in bed by 7
  • Other

Do you picture yourself as being involved in a community?

Do you picture yourself as being involved in a community?
  • Definitely
  • Nah that's not my thing
  • I'm not sure yet
  • Yes but only so I can mock the people who are serious
  • I want to be in such a remote location that there is no community