How Competitive Are You?
How Competitive Are You?
Are you a competitive person?
Do you believe life is a competition?

When you were in school, what type of grades made you happy?

- Only A's
- A's or B's
- I didn't care about grades unless it was for a test or something
- I didn't care
Which way would you choose to get fit?

- Sports
- Running
- Biking
- Yoga
Do you think you're the best?

Is being rich important to you?

- Of course
- Not really but it would be nice
- No
Are you humble?

What do you do when out with friends?

- Just listen to them talking
- You contribute to the conversation
- Crack a lot of jokes
- Try to be the center of attention
How are you when losing at a board game?

- Depends on the game
- Scream and throw the board
- Get angry and leave
- Just ignore it
How important is it for you to be right?

- Extremely important
- I'm always right
- Depends on with who
- Not at all
Do you usually make bets?

- All the time
- Well of course
- Kid I know I'm good at what I'm betting on
- Nah