What Percentage Feminist Are You?
53c9006 What Percentage Feminist Are You? What Percentage Feminist Are You? Are you for woman's rights?

Do you believe men and women are equal?

Do you believe men and women are equal?
  • Yes I do
  • In most aspects
  • No they're not

Do you believe men and women deserve the same political rights?

Do you believe men and women deserve the same political rights?
  • Of course
  • I'm unsure
  • No they don't

Do you think women should be allowed into the working world?

Do you think women should be allowed into the working world?
  • No, they should stay at home
  • It depends
  • Yes they should

Do you believe woman deserve equal pay to their male counterparts?

Do you believe woman deserve equal pay to their male counterparts?
  • Of course
  • No I don't

Do you believe woman and girl everywhere deserve access to education?

Do you believe woman and girl everywhere deserve access to education?
  • Yes I do
  • It depends
  • No I don't

How do you feel about jokes that demean women?

How do you feel about jokes that demean women?
  • I hate them
  • It depends on how serious the topic
  • They're just jokes so there is no harm
  • I love them

Do you believe men have a right to catcall women?

Do you believe men have a right to catcall women?
  • Never
  • Only as a joke
  • I think it's fine

Is there ever a right moment to hit a women?

Is there ever a right moment to hit a women?
  • Never
  • Only if she hit you first
  • You can hit her anytime

Do you believe woman's rights are human's rights?

Do you believe woman's rights are human's rights?
  • Yes I do
  • No I don't

Do you believe woman deserve the same respect as men?

Do you believe woman deserve the same respect as men?
  • Of course
  • It depends
  • Not at all