What Type Of Ghost Or Spirit Would Be?
What Type Of Ghost Or Spirit Would Be?
What would you be in the afterlife?
How do you feel about playing practical jokes on others?

- I absolutely love it
- I find it pretty fun
- I'm not a fan
How close are you to your family?

- We're extremely close
- We're pretty close but we don't speak much
- We're not close at all
Where do you feel at peace?

- At home
- In nature
- In a coffee shop
- Surrounded by friends
- Other
What type of place would you most likely haunt?

- My family home
- I would haunt my friends
- Maybe an old bridge
- The woods
- A hospital or something similar
Would you want to curse anyone?

- Of course
- It depends
- Not at all
Which one do you seem to be stuck in?

- The past
- The present
- The future
Do you experience déjà vu?

- Quite frequently
- Occasionally
- Almost never
Have you ever seen a ghost?

- I think I did but I'm not sure
- I'm positive I've seen one
- No I haven't
- I don't believe in ghost
Can something you can't see harm you?

- Only if you believe
- I think so
- Not at all
Which emotion is your strongest motivator?

- Anger
- Willpower
- Love
- Intelligence
- I'm not sure