What’s Holding You Back?
5751fcb What’s Holding You Back? What’s Holding You Back? You have been on the threshold of making a big change and can't figure out the reason why you haven't been able to make the jump. Click here to discover what is holding you back.

You are currently...

You are currently...
  • Married
  • Single
  • In a relationship

Are you a parent?

Are you a parent?
  • Yes
  • No

Do you believe in true love?

Do you believe in true love?
  • Yes
  • Perhaps
  • No

Have you ever had a panic attack?

Have you ever had a panic attack?
  • Yes, I have them quite often
  • Once or twice
  • No

You feel as if you are running ______ something.

You feel as if you are running ______ something.
  • To
  • Away from
  • Neither to nor away from

Which of the following is the most important to you?

Which of the following is the most important to you?
  • Love
  • Money
  • Comfort
  • Success
  • Family

Do you feel as if you have adequate support to conquer your dreams?

Do you feel as if you have adequate support to conquer your dreams?
  • Yes
  • No

Do you feel as if you are acted upon or Acting out more?

Do you feel as if you are acted upon or Acting out more?
  • Acted upon
  • Acting out
  • Neither

Do you have any regrets?

Do you have any regrets?
  • I regret many things
  • I regret a few things
  • Not really

If you were at the edge of a cliff, would you jump?

If you were at the edge of a cliff, would you jump?
  • Yes
  • If somebody was jumping with me
  • If somebody else jumped before me
  • There is no way I would even get close to the edge of a cliff
  • No