Which Female Stereotype Least Defines You?
57d6e20 Which Female Stereotype Least Defines You? Which Female Stereotype Least Defines You? Female stereotypes are pretty outdated, yet some of them still define us in everyday life. Which female stereotype LEAST defines you? Are you the type of woman who always defies expectation? Embark on this stereotype quiz and discover how you're breaking the mold each day.

What is your approach to time?

What is your approach to time?
  • I know when to move it and when to kick back and relax.
  • My life is fast paced, I try to squeeze everything in.
  • I like to take things slow and savor the moment.

You walk into a room full of new people who you don't know. What's your first move?

You walk into a room full of new people who you don't know. What's your first move?
  • Put on a big smile and talk to the first person I see.
  • Walk over to a place where mingling will happen naturally, such as the line for food.
  • Just hang out by myself for most of my time there.
  • Identify the nearest exit and walk through it ASAP.
  • It depends on the type of situation.

My job is...

My job is...
  • To take care of others.
  • The main focus of my life.
  • A way to make money.
  • A means to an end.

In your opinion, a person's physical appearance is...

In your opinion, a person's physical appearance is...
  • Not very important.
  • A reflection of why they are.
  • Just a cover to an interesting book.
  • Important and valuable.

When it comes to food....

When it comes to food....
  • I love to cook for others.
  • I love to try new restaurants.
  • I love a bit of routine.
  • I have a diverse palette.
  • I watch everything I eat.

If I have some extra cash, I always....

If I have some extra cash, I always....
  • Donate it to charity.
  • Buy something nice for myself.
  • Put it into savings.
  • Pay off some bills.
  • Take myself out to eat.

If I won the lottery, I would....

If I won the lottery, I would....
  • Go back to college.
  • Open my own business.
  • Travel the world.
  • Start a charity.
  • Move to a private island.

It's most important for me to....

It's most important for me to....
  • Earn my own money and pay my own bills.
  • Look after my family.
  • Keep learning new things.
  • Grow wise and strong.
  • Be a good influence.

Everyone should be able to...

Everyone should be able to...
  • Stand on their own two feet.
  • Handle criticism.
  • Set a budget.
  • Have a creative outlet.
  • Be open and honest with others.

What's your ideal partner like?

What's your ideal partner like?
  • Bookish and well read.
  • Independent and self sufficient.
  • Sensitive and communicative.
  • Supportive and present.
  • Hardworking and presentable.