Which Famous Quote Best Describes You?
5899c5d Which Famous Quote Best Describes You? Which Famous Quote Best Describes You? Something that people say so often it almost sounds cliche describes you to a ‘T’. Take this quiz to discover that famous quote best describes you.

Pick a scent...

Pick a scent...
  • Flowers
  • Citrus
  • Cookies
  • Coffee
  • Fresh-cut grass
  • None of these

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?
  • My friends
  • My job
  • My family
  • Myself
  • I don't know

If you wrote a book, what would it be?

If you wrote a book, what would it be?
  • A novel
  • A family history
  • A book of jokes
  • An adult coloring book
  • A self-help book
  • None of these

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • A ballerina
  • A mother
  • Happy
  • A scientist
  • None of these

When you come home you feel...

When you come home you feel...
  • Happy
  • Invigorated
  • Stressed
  • None of these

How often do you take the time to stop and smell the roses?

How often do you take the time to stop and smell the roses?
  • Every day
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • I don't know

Have you ever come up with a bright idea or a new way of doing things?

Have you ever come up with a bright idea or a new way of doing things?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

To you, family is...

To you, family is...
  • The only thing that is important
  • Who you make it
  • Important, but only if it makes you happy
  • None of these

Do you take the time to spoil yourself every now and then?

Do you take the time to spoil yourself every now and then?
  • Yes
  • No
  • It's a little more often that every now and then
  • I don't know

How do you deal with unexpected problems?

How do you deal with unexpected problems?
  • I think of a new way to live
  • I rely on my family to get me through
  • I lean on a friend's shoulder
  • I pray
  • None of these