What Kind Of Parent Are You?
What Kind Of Parent Are You?
How would your kids describe you?
What type of diet do your children have?

- I never thought about that before
- Something cheap but healthy
- Healthy meals with the occasional snacks
- Totally healthy
Do you believe in the principle "My way or the highway"?

Would you allow your child to watch a R-rated movie?

- It depends on the movie
- I have no problem with it
- Only if I can watch it with them
- Not at all
Do you give you kid a curfew?

- Yes I do
- Only at a certain age
- Of course not
How many children do you have?

- Just one
- 2-3
- 4-5
- 6-7
- 8 or more
How do you think your child's friends would describe you?

- Fun
- Overbearing
- Awesome
- Kind
- I'm not sure
What's your greatest fear when it comes to hiring a babysitter?

- They'll be too strict
- They'll be too relaxed
- They'll harm my chd
- Kids don't need a babysitter
- I'm not sure
How do you react to tantrums?

- I ignore them
- I ground them
- Threaten them
- Give them a lecture
- I'm not sure
What do you wish most for your child?

- To inspire them
- That I become their best friend
- That they grow up into great people
- That they have fun
- I'm not sure
The main goal of parenting and discipline is to:

- To get your child to listen to you
- To teach your children rules
- To make sure everyone is happy
- Other