What Kind Of Woman Are You Based On The 10 Easy Questions?
5a12a02 What Kind Of Woman Are You Based On The 10 Easy Questions? What Kind Of Woman Are You Based On The 10 Easy Questions? Every woman has unique personality traits that makes her who she is! Do you think we can figure out what kind of woman you are based on ten simple questions? Let's find out!

How do you approach time?

How do you approach time?
  • I try to savor every moment
  • I live a fast paced life and fill every minute
  • I want more of it but don't know how to multi-task

Do you feel as if you have a fulfilling career?

Do you feel as if you have a fulfilling career?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

How important is physical appearance to you?

How important is physical appearance to you?
  • It's the most important thing to me
  • It's not that important
  • It's somewhat important

In your spare time are you productive or relaxed?

In your spare time are you productive or relaxed?
  • Productive
  • Relaxed
  • It depends on the day

When it comes to food are you more concerned with health or taste?

When it comes to food are you more concerned with health or taste?
  • Health
  • Taste
  • Both

What do you tend to do with extra cash?

What do you tend to do with extra cash?
  • Throw it into savings
  • Treat myself to something nice
  • Buy a gift for a friend or family member

What do you value most in life?

What do you value most in life?
  • My family/friends
  • My career
  • My health

What do you believe everyone should learn to do?

What do you believe everyone should learn to do?
  • Stand on their own two feet
  • Give to others fully
  • Creatively problem solve

How long have you and your best friend known one another?

How long have you and your best friend known one another?
  • Over a decade
  • 5 or more years
  • Less than five years

What trait do you find most valuable in a partner?

What trait do you find most valuable in a partner?
  • Sensitivity
  • Creativity
  • Intelligence
  • Humor