What Time Of Day Is Your Personality?
5abd889 What Time Of Day Is Your Personality? What Time Of Day Is Your Personality? Every personality is a time of day. Some of us are dawn, quiet and reflective. Others are late night, wild and dark. What time of day is your personality? Is it the time of day where you actually feel most alive? Let's figure this out right now!

What was your favorite age?

What was your favorite age?
  • Five
  • Ten
  • Sixteen
  • Twenty-one
  • Thirty

How many times do you hit the snooze button on an average morning?

How many times do you hit the snooze button on an average morning?
  • Zero times, I wake up without an alarm.
  • Usually, just once.
  • Probably twice.
  • More than three times.

Do you get more done before lunch or after lunch?

Do you get more done before lunch or after lunch?
  • Before lunch, then the food coma sets in.
  • After lunch, that's when I'm most energized.
  • I do most of my work at night.
  • It depends on how much sleep I got.

Do you enjoy small talk with strangers, or do you try to avoid it at all costs?

Do you enjoy small talk with strangers, or do you try to avoid it at all costs?
  • I tend to enjoy making small talk!
  • I like it with certain people.
  • I love to chat with anyone who will listen.
  • I avoid it at all costs.
  • It depends on my mood.

You're up early to watch the sunrise, what's most likely to happen?

You're up early to watch the sunrise, what's most likely to happen?
  • I'll sneak in a workout.
  • I'll have two cups of coffee!
  • I'll catch up on the news.
  • I'll make a big indulgent breakfast.
  • I'll get a head start on work.

What is your favorite time of year?

What is your favorite time of year?
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter

Are you usually 15 minutes late, or 15 minutes early?

Are you usually 15 minutes late, or 15 minutes early?
  • I'm always about 15 minutes late.
  • I'm typically 15 minutes early.
  • I'm mostly right on time.
  • It depends on the day.

What is your presence like to others?

What is your presence like to others?
  • People tend to be quiet around me.
  • People seem to love me.
  • I'm always the life of the party.
  • People seem to really trust me.
  • People love to confide in me.

Which best describes you at a party?

Which best describes you at a party?
  • Quiet
  • Talkative
  • Charming
  • Reserved
  • Opinionated

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Starting a family.
  • Moving to a different state.
  • Landing my dream job.
  • Finding true happiness.
  • Who knows? Not me.