What Psychic Ability Do You Possess?
What Psychic Ability Do You Possess?
What is your untapped potential?
Are you good at telling when others are lying?

- Yes I am
- I can be
- No I'm not
Have you ever experienced déjà vu?

- I experience it all the time
- Every once in awhile
- Not really
What do your dreams usually consist of?

- Paranormal experiences
- Weird and outlandish things
- Someone chasing me
- Falling
- I don't usually remember them/other
Do you believe in the supernatural?

- Absolutely
- I do somewhat
- No I don't
What is your strongest sense?

- Taste
- Touch
- Hearing
- Sight
- Smell
Have you ever had a near death experience?

Do you ever hear unexplainable voices at night?

- Yes I do
- Not that I remember
- No I don't
Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?

- Yes I did actually
- I can't remember
- Not at all
Do you ever see blurry lines or color around people?

- Almost all the time
- I have once in awhile
- No I haven't
Do you have a vivid imagination?

- Definitely
- Not really
- No I don't