5ca50bcYour New Career Is Calling. What Will It Be?Hear that? It's your new career calling! Do you know which job you're really destined to have? It might not be the one you've always had in mind. Ready to get started on your new life? Start the quiz and find out where you're headed!
What's your ideal position within an organisation?
White collar
Blue collar
I don't know
If you overheard your boss talking with a colleague, which of these words would you feel most flattered by if you heard them used about you?
If somebody asked you what made you most proud of your work, what would you answer?
Having people admire my creations
Seeing people I've helped
Seeing things which are better because of me
That pay bump I received
Do you think you would do well working from home?
Yes, I'm very self motivated.
Maybe, I could get used to it.
Nope, I need to be around people.
Do you have a tendency to take your work home with you?
Would you say you cope well with stress?
Yes, I'm great at coping with stress.
Sometimes, but I rarely get stressed anyway.
I'm better with other people's stress.
Nope, I'm kind of bad at it!
If a particular tool or other aid to your work was broken, what would you do?
Fix it myself
Call the manufacturer
Call support
Design something better
Choose your ideal working environment:
Public space
Which of these best describes your approach to your work?
Bull at a gate
Lion looking over a pride
Fish swimming downstream
Hummingbird buzzing around
How much part does improvisation play in the work you enjoy?