What’s Your Biggest Personality Flaw?
What’s Your Biggest Personality Flaw?
What could it possibly be?
What's your biggest pet peeve?
![What's your biggest pet peeve?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/78c9f8a889d70996ca8c.jpg)
- Boring people
- Stupid people
- Rude people
- Sore losers
- Other
What's one thing you believe humans need in order to succeed?
![What's one thing you believe humans need in order to succeed?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/469f5574db94289e491f.jpg)
- Good looks
- Intelligence
- Kindness
- Positivity
- I'm not sure
Who would you say you are in your group of friends?
![Who would you say you are in your group of friends?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/6577ef5d17c66f5565ba.jpg)
- The cute one
- The comedian
- The leader
- The sweetheart
- The smart one
What is one characteristic you feel you are lacking?
![What is one characteristic you feel you are lacking?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/7c5b75de172d22231a62.jpg)
- Nothing
- Courage
- Humility
- Attractiveness
- Intelligence
What's one thing you could never tolerate in a relationship?
![What's one thing you could never tolerate in a relationship?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/f7adfdb3eee928dd249d.jpg)
- Clinginess
- No sense of humor
- Lack of attraction
- Dishonesty
- Other
How are you when you have to convince someone of something?
![How are you when you have to convince someone of something?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/e35b6c9f3b783a21962a.jpg)
- I try to present a well argued case
- I throw a tantrum if they don't listen
- I try to stay diplomatic
- I keep pestering them until I get my way
- I'm not sure
Would you ever look through a significant other's phone or computer?
![Would you ever look through a significant other's phone or computer?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/a64d2d0133c5398c88cd.jpg)
- Only if I suspected something
- Not at all
- It depends
- Of course I would
Do you find yourself correcting others frequently?
![Do you find yourself correcting others frequently?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/6438e2bfba85e0a846c8.jpg)
- All the time
- Not usually
- Never
Which word describes you at your worst?
![Which word describes you at your worst?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/f048077653089635361e.jpg)
- Envious
- Flaky
- Offensive
- Anxious
- Judgemental
Would you say you're emotionally sensitive?
![Would you say you're emotionally sensitive?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/88b89918305057751253.jpg)
- Absolutely
- Depends on the situation
- Not at all