What Is Your Medieval Name?
What Is Your Medieval Name?
In the medieval ages, what would be the name you’d have?
Which of these sound most like you?

- Loyal and brave
- Happy and lovable
- Caring and selfless
- Fearless and Independent
- Family-oriented and hardworking
What would be your weapon of choice back then?

- I'm not a fan of weapons
- A sword
- My wit and words
- My fists
- I'm not too sure
One day you're walking when you suddenly find a bag of gold of cold coins. What do you do?

- Just leave it there
- Keep the coins for yourself
- Divide them between you and your loved ones
- Pick up the bag and look for the owner
- I'm not sure what I would do
What is one thing you cannot stand?

- Cruelty
- Injustice
- Greed
- Laziness
- Sadness
Where can you be found on your free time?

- Hanging around town
- Spending time with my family
- Having much needed alone time
- Working on some important stuff
- I'm not sure
Pick a word out of these.

- Rain
- Fairy
- Flower
- Field
- Tree
Would you rather possess magic to fight or do you prefer hand to hand combat?

- Definitely magic
- A bit of both
- Hand to hand combat
- I'm not sure
Which of these are you fearful of?

- Being lost at sea
- Being hunted down
- Complete darkness
- Snakes
- Terrible storms
What occupation do you think you'd have?

- Spell caster
- Doctor
- Warrior
- Dragon Trainer
- I'm not sure
Favorite color?

- Purple
- Blue
- Red
- Pink
- Other