How Manly Is Your Soul?
How Manly Is Your Soul?
Take this quiz to reveal just how manly your soul is.
Do you smoke?

When you go out to eat with a group of people you tend to...

- Offer to pay the bill
- Offer to split the bill
- Let somebody else pay for your meal
If you are lost, how likely are you to stop and ask for directions?

- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Somewhat unlikely
- Very unlikely
- I never get lost.
Do you know how to tie a tie?

- Yes, in more than one way
- Yes
- No
If there is a home improvement task that needs to be done you tend to...

- Do it myself
- Hire somebody else to do it
Have you ever considered sporting a man bun?

How long can you hold a conversation without feeling uncomfortable?

- Less than 5 minutes
- 5-10 minutes
- 11-20 minutes
- 20-30 minutes
- 30 minutes or longer
You tend to feel more comfortable sitting...

- With your legs crossed
- With your legs spread apart
- I don't like to sit
Do you have a beard?

- Yes
- I grow one every now and then
- No
On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being "very enjoyable", how enjoyable do you find camping?