How Anti-Social Are You?
How Anti-Social Are You?
Are you as anti-social as you think?
How large is your friend group?
![How large is your friend group?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/5524bb2a7404b13bc15e.jpg)
- Way too many to count
- Probably a good handful
- Only about one or two
- It fluctuates
Which do you dread most?
![Which do you dread most?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/8f211141f8c2ec80827a.jpg)
- Public speaking
- Small Talk
- Being in the spotlight
- Someone ignoring you
Which method do you prefer to make friends?
![Which method do you prefer to make friends?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/34a68f911cb2b146dfb8.jpg)
- Meeting them online
- During a party
- Through a close friend
- Meeting them anywhere is fine
Where would you be found during a party?
![Where would you be found during a party?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/d70de2a22af11f0b4425.jpg)
- Off by the food
- By my friends
- Chatting with everyone
- I wouldn't go to a party
How are you at accepting compliments?
![How are you at accepting compliments?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/63f3269f1b50d40802ca.jpg)
- Just say thanks
- Compliment them back
- Probably keep quiet
- Deny the compliment
Where would you like to be most on a Friday night?
![Where would you like to be most on a Friday night?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/285d0cfcbaa5e49c6928.jpg)
- At home
- Hanging with friends
- Out on the town
- Other
Do you like going to restaurants on your own?
![Do you like going to restaurants on your own?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/1829c1a42635f5b87efa.jpg)
- Yeah, why not?
- Not at all
- Depends on my mood
Do you talk easily with clerks, cashiers, waiters, etc.?
![Do you talk easily with clerks, cashiers, waiters, etc.?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/94c2923c0424ba81453f.jpg)
- Of course!
- No I dread talking to them
- I'm okay with it
Do you feel relieved when plans fall through?
![Do you feel relieved when plans fall through?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/e93985722f8cb2d4ea7b.jpg)
- Definitely
- Depends on with who
- Depends on my mood
- Not at all
Do you fear what others think of you?
![Do you fear what others think of you?](quiz/images/q_imgs/qns_img/462a8346a8d4e191d148.jpg)
- All the time
- Sometimes
- Depends on who
- Not really