What Kind Of Workaholic Are You?
66150a4 What Kind Of Workaholic Are You? What Kind Of Workaholic Are You? Work can be an all consuming obsession for some of us. That’s when you go from being an employee to a workaholic! Do you know what kind of workaholic you are? Take these 10 questions and find out!

How difficult is it for you to relax when you're not working?

How difficult is it for you to relax when you're not working?
  • It's very difficult all I think about is work
  • It's possible but it's not easy
  • I can easily push work out of my mind
  • How many drinks have I had?

Has work ever caused you to forget, ignore or minimize celebrations such as birthdays, reunions, anniversaries or holidays?

Has work ever caused you to forget, ignore or minimize celebrations such as birthdays, reunions, anniversaries or holidays?
  • On more than one occassion
  • Once or twice but it wasn't on purpose
  • Yes and I still feel bad about it
  • Not that I can remember

Do you always put more thought, time and energy into my work than I do my relationships with loved ones and friends?

Do you always put more thought, time and energy into my work than I do my relationships with loved ones and friends?
  • No way family and friends are my top priority
  • I have a bad habit of putting work first
  • I try to find a good balance
  • Guilty as charged

Do you get upset with yourself over making mistakes?

Do you get upset with yourself over making mistakes?
  • I'm pretty hard on myself
  • No mistakes are learning opportunities
  • It depends on what I did wrong

How much pressure do you put on yourself to work harder than those around you?

How much pressure do you put on yourself to work harder than those around you?
  • It's not a competition the goal is just to get my own work done
  • I put a ton of pressure on myself to be better
  • I can be a bit competitive but I know when to reign it in
  • Satisfaction and self worth come from within

Do you feel as if you always need to be in control?

Do you feel as if you always need to be in control?
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Never

How many nights a week do you stay late after work without being asked?

How many nights a week do you stay late after work without being asked?
  • None I'm out of there as soon as possible
  • 1 or 2 just to get caught up
  • 3 or 4 to get ahead
  • Every night

Do you have a temper?

Do you have a temper?
  • How did you know?
  • I'm yelling at you right now
  • No I'm very placid
  • It depends on the situation

Are you more interested in the final result or the process?

Are you more interested in the final result or the process?
  • Final result
  • Process
  • Both

Do you feel guilty when you're not working on anything?

Do you feel guilty when you're not working on anything?
  • Ugh always
  • Sometimes
  • Not really