Are You Really An Animal Person?
6635d41 Are You Really An Animal Person? Are You Really An Animal Person? Do you think you truly love animals?

Are you allergic to any animals?

Are you allergic to any animals?
  • Yes but it doesn't bother me
  • Yes and I hate it
  • No I'm not

How many animals do you own?

How many animals do you own?
  • None
  • Just one
  • 2-3
  • 4-5
  • 6+

Do you enjoy getting dirty?

Do you enjoy getting dirty?
  • Not at all
  • I'm okay with it
  • I don't mind it at all

What do you like best about animals?

What do you like best about animals?
  • How cute they are
  • How they can provide a friendship
  • How majestic they look in the wild
  • I'm not sure

Where does your affection for animals stop?

Where does your affection for animals stop?
  • Anything past my own pets
  • Anything scary like sharks
  • When I have to be around them
  • It doesn't stop at anytime

Do you consider humans animals?

Do you consider humans animals?
  • Absolutely
  • I've never thought about it
  • In some ways i do
  • Not at all

If you seen a wild animal that was injured, would you go out of your way to help it?

If you seen a wild animal that was injured, would you go out of your way to help it?
  • Of course I would
  • It depends
  • I probably wouldn't

Have you ever considered a career where you take care of animals?

Have you ever considered a career where you take care of animals?
  • I already have a career in that field
  • Yes I've thought about it
  • No I haven't

How do you feel about visiting a zoo or someplace similar?

How do you feel about visiting a zoo or someplace similar?
  • I hate them
  • I will go if I have no other choice
  • I love them

Is there any type of animal you cannot stand?

Is there any type of animal you cannot stand?
  • Reptiles
  • Rodents
  • Big and wild animals
  • I don't really like any
  • I like them all