Can You Keep A Secret?
Can You Keep A Secret?
Can you be trusted to never tell a soul?
Do you own a diary or journal?

- Of course I do
- I use to but not anymore
- I've never had one
Do you have social media accounts that none of your loved ones know about?

- Yes I do actually
- Not that I remember
- No I don't
Do you think you're considered a trustworthy person?

- Of course
- I'm not too sure
- Not at all
Do your friends usually go to you for personal things?

- All the time
- Sometimes but it depends on the situation
- No they don't
When you start a new project, how long is it before you tell everyone?

- I tell them right away
- It depends on the project
- Not until I'm finished with it
Have you ever read someone else's diary?

- Only when they let me
- I never would
- I have once or twice
Would you say you gossip often with your friends?

- Who doesn't?
- Only if it's about someone I dislike
- Not at all
Would you ever loan a friend money?

- Only if I really trust them
- If it was for an important reason
- Of course I would
- No, that's a terrible idea
If something is bothering you, who do you talk it over with?

- Family
- My best friend
- A professional
- A total stranger
- No one
Would you keep any secret for your best friend?

- Only if it wouldn't cause me trouble
- It depends
- Yes I would
- Probably not