Who Were Your Ancestors According To Your Memories?
Who Were Your Ancestors According To Your Memories?
Where do you come from?
What's your first memory?

- School
- Family vacation
- A birthday party
- Talking
- I can't remember/other
When do experience déjà vu?

- When I'm in love
- When I'm by water
- When I'm arguing
- When I feel in charge
- I don't have déjà vu
Do you often feel you can't remember something that you're sure has happened?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Never
How often do you remember your dreams?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Almost never
Would you say you're intuitive?

Were you well-liked as a kid?

- I was very popular and loved
- No, I was a loner
- I don't really remember
- I only had a few friends
- I only had one best friend
Which word best describes you?

- Intuitive
- Powerful
- Tough
- Brave
- Loyal
As a child, do you remember your parents fighting a lot?

- All the time
- Not a whole lot
- Never
Do you remember your first kiss?

- Yes I do
- Not really
- Not at all
When you look back, what do you tend to remember most?

- Adventures
- Family
- Rough times
- Success
- Friendship