6c94283What Is Your Ideal Make-Up Style?What is your ideal make-up style? This can depend on a lot of things, from how you naturally look, what you are wearing and most importantly, what your personality is. Take this quiz to find out what your personality has to say about what your make-up style should be.
What is your skin tone like?
Do you wear make-up often?
Yes, every day
Yes, but not every day
What do you want people to think of you when you walk into a room?
I don't want people to think anything. I'd rather go unnoticed.
I'd want people to think that I am beautiful or hot
I want people to think that I am anything but ordinary
Are you afraid to try new things when it comes to style?
It depends on what kind of new thing it is
Your hairdresser acidentally make your hair purple! What do you do?
I roll with it
I make her redye it
I have someone else redye it
You have a date with your crush or your parnter. What are you likely to wear?
Something casual
Something cute
Something sexy
Which of these color groups are your favorite?
Muted/dark colors
Bright/bold colors
Pastels/neon colors
Your friends would likely describe you as...
Serious and smart
Fun and playful
Nice and relaxed
Do you want to make a statement with your make-up style?
If you could totally rechange your look, would you?