What Is Your Hawaiian Name?
What Is Your Hawaiian Name?
Do you know what your Hawaiian name would be? Take these 10 questions and find out who you’d be in the Aloha state!
Which word do you believe your friends and family would use to describe you?

- Happy
- Quirky
- Shy
- Confident
- Energetic
- Other
What do you believe is your greatest strength?

- My compassion
- My ability to adapt
- My quick wit
- My sense of wonder
- My confidence
- Other
When I close my eyes and picture paradise, I see ________.

- White sandy beaches
- Lush forest
- Beautiful mountains
- Breezy palm trees
- A cozy small town
- Other
Which color makes you feel the most alive and energetic?

- Yellow
- Red
- Orange
- Blue
- Green
- Other
I feel that the most important thing in life is having___________.

- A connection to nature
- Strong reliationships
- A good career
- A good time
- Lots of money
- Other
My favorite time of day will always be __________.

- Dusk
- Dawn
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Night
What is your favorite flower?

- Hibiscus
- Orchids
- Gardenias
- Oleander
- Ginger
- Other
What do you believe is the most fun you can have while getting fit?

- Yoga
- Surfing
- Karate
- Pilates
- Hula
- Other
Which shoe style do you wish you could war everyday?

- Flip flops
- Sandals
- Sneakers
- Boots
- High heels
- Other
I think the most perfect accessory to any outfit is ___________.

- A smile
- A flower
- Sunglasses
- A tan
- Beaded jewelry
- Other