Which Celebrity Mom Are You?
6f591dc Which Celebrity Mom Are You? Which Celebrity Mom Are You? Don't celebrity moms seem to have it all figured out? Of course, the money and the nannies certainly do help! At the end of the day though, these celebrity moms are just like us. Do you know which celebrity mom you're most like? Are you similar to your favorite celebrity mother? Start the quiz to find out!

What your go-to item on errand day?

What your go-to item on errand day?
  • Lipstick
  • Coffee
  • Plenty of snacks
  • Sunglasses
  • Comfortable shoes

It's your turn to plan a play-date for you Moms' group. Which would you pick?

It's your turn to plan a play-date for you Moms' group. Which would you pick?
  • An outdoor adventure
  • Enjoying a glass of wine while the kids play outside
  • The local playground
  • A hands on cooking class
  • Decorating cookies or cupcakes

Describe your style in one word:

Describe your style in one word:
  • Flowy
  • Charming
  • Sporty
  • Classic
  • Trendy

Which is your family dream car?

Which is your family dream car?
  • Mercedes station wagon
  • Anything with a third row
  • Anything reasonably priced
  • A small SUV
  • I don't know

What hobbies do you tend to push your kid(s) towards?

What hobbies do you tend to push your kid(s) towards?
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Art
  • Charity
  • I don't push my kids to do anything

How do you usually wear your hair?

How do you usually wear your hair?
  • Down and natural
  • Sleek
  • Wavy or curled
  • In a ponytail
  • Under a hat

Would you ever get botox or fillers?

Would you ever get botox or fillers?
  • Absolutely, nothing wrong with a little upkeep!
  • Possibly, it depends on how natural it looked.
  • Nope, not in a million years!

Pick a family photo theme:

Pick a family photo theme:
  • A day at the beach
  • Farm adventure
  • Traditional countryside
  • A carnival
  • A sweeping meadow

If you could only choose one life lesson to drive home to your kid(s), what would it be?

If you could only choose one life lesson to drive home to your kid(s), what would it be?
  • Always be yourself.
  • Forgive and forget.
  • Live and learn.
  • To fail is to learn.
  • Money can't buy happiness.

Is mom guilt a real thing for you?

Is mom guilt a real thing for you?
  • 100% all day everyday.
  • Every now and then.
  • Nope, life happens.
  • What's mom guilt?