Which Classic Movie Are You?
Which Classic Movie Are You?
Take this quiz to discover which film that has stood the test of time is the most similar to you.
Imagine you had the resources to live anywhere in the world. Which of the following locations would you consider the most?

- New York
- Miami
- London
- Atlanta
- Kansas
Do you or do you not sing in the shower?

Which of the following images is the most important for you to portray to others?

- A person who has good manners
- A person who is good-looking
- A person who is independent
- A person who has good values
- A person who is adventerous
Do you have or want to have children?

Which leading lady are you the most similar to?

- Julie Andrews
- Audrey Hepburn
- Marilyn Monroe
- Vivien Leigh
- Judy Garland
What is something that you have in your life that makes taking on life's challenges a little easier?

- A good attitude
- Loyal friends
- Determination
- A child-like perspective
- Crazy schemes
Do you think life is better lived in Black and White or Color?

- Black and White
- Color
- I don't know
Complete the following sentence: "Home is ..."

- Where the heart is
- The only thing worth fighting for
- Where you make it
- Wherever I am needed next
- The one you love is
Do you prefer big city life or small town ideals?

- Big city life
- Small town ideals
You tend to find yourself attracted to people who...

- Make you laugh
- Are exciting
- Have money
- Have kind hearts