Which Famous Woman Can Be Your Best Friend?
Which Famous Woman Can Be Your Best Friend?
Who's by your side through thick and thin?
What do you do for a night out?

- Hit the clubs
- Grab dinner with friends
- Relax at home
- Spend time with my family
- Other
Are you someone who needs constant attention from your friends?

- Yes I am
- Only on bad day
- No I'm not
Why do your friends usually call you?

- To hang out
- Just to chat
- For advice
- Other
What do you usually talk about?

- Love
- Careers
- Total nonsense
- Gossip
- Other
What should you do if your friend gets dumped?

- Console them
- Take them out to forget
- Give them advice
- Give an uplifting pep talk
- Bring over food and have a girl's night to cheer them up
How do you feel about gossip?

- I hate it
- I'm okay with it sometimes
- I love it
How often do you contact your friends?

- Multiple times a day
- Once a day
- A few times a week
- Once every few weeks
- I'm not sure
Do you try to always be there for your friends?

- Yes I do
- I try to be but sometimes fail
Which word best describes you?

- Fierce
- Friendly
- Compassionate
- Serious
- Funny
Are you a spontaneous person or do you prefer your plans in advance?

- Spontaneous
- I like them in advance