Which Great Work Of Literature Best Fits Your Personality?
762ed2f Which Great Work Of Literature Best Fits Your Personality? Which Great Work Of Literature Best Fits Your Personality? When a book becomes a classic, it becomes well known. If you just utter the title, the majority of people will know it even if they’ve never read a word. They’re considered classic by most people but which one fits your personality?

Which of these situations would be your ideal level of danger?

Which of these situations would be your ideal level of danger?
  • Sky diving
  • Rock Climbing
  • Riding a motorcycle
  • Horse back riding
  • Other

Which of these items would you love to own if you don't already?

Which of these items would you love to own if you don't already?
  • A music box
  • A new computer
  • A typewriter
  • A pet
  • Other

What color is your favorite?

What color is your favorite?
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Green
  • Red
  • Other

If you could live in any one of these places, which would you pick?

If you could live in any one of these places, which would you pick?
  • A cabin by the lake
  • A quiet suburban home
  • An apartment in a bustling city
  • A relaxing beach house
  • Other

If you had to pick your worst trait out of these, which would it be?

If you had to pick your worst trait out of these, which would it be?
  • Quick temper
  • Selfishness
  • Laziness
  • Gluttony
  • Other

Favorite activity out of these?

Favorite activity out of these?
  • Fishing
  • Sitting down with a good book
  • Going on adventures
  • Hanging with friends
  • Other

Pick a career out of these

Pick a career out of these
  • Sailor
  • Actress
  • Performer
  • Writer
  • Other

Biggest childhood fear?

Biggest childhood fear?
  • The Ocean
  • Monsters
  • Clowns
  • Darkness
  • Other

Which of these are most important to you?

Which of these are most important to you?
  • Friends and Family
  • Your happiness
  • The good you do
  • Your alone time
  • Other

Which of these equal peace to you?

Which of these equal peace to you?
  • The outdoors
  • A place you can call your own
  • On open water
  • Someplace during a thunderstorm
  • Other