Can We Guess Your High School GPA?
768150b Can We Guess Your High School GPA? Can We Guess Your High School GPA? Top of the class or barely passed? Can we guess your high school GPA just by how you answer these personality questions? Believe it or not, your personality can determine your GPA more than you think! Will we guess your GPA right the first time? Hit the books and head back to high school for the answer!

What was your favorite class?

What was your favorite class?
  • Math
  • Science
  • English
  • History
  • Art/music
  • Gym

In general, have you always been more of a morning person or a night person?

In general, have you always been more of a morning person or a night person?
  • I'm a total night owl.
  • I like to stay up pretty late.
  • It depends on my mood.
  • I'm a total early bird.
  • I enjoy my mornings most!

What time did you do your homework?

What time did you do your homework?
  • As soon as I got home.
  • During study hall.
  • Before dinner.
  • After dinner.
  • Five minutes before class.

Did you prefer packed lunch or school lunch?

Did you prefer packed lunch or school lunch?
  • I always packed my lunch.
  • My lunch was packed most days.
  • I did both.
  • I always bought lunch.

Explain why you were typically absent:

Explain why you were typically absent:
  • I needed a "mental health" day.
  • I was sick.
  • I ditched with my friends.
  • I was feeling anxious.
  • I never missed school.

How do you think your parents would have described you in one word?

How do you think your parents would have described you in one word?
  • Rebellious
  • Nerdy
  • Studious
  • Kind
  • Unpredictable

If you were to choose a new hobby tomorrow, which would it be?

If you were to choose a new hobby tomorrow, which would it be?
  • Disc golf
  • Gardening
  • Working out
  • Cooking
  • Painting

How many books are in your house right now?

How many books are in your house right now?
  • Probably several hundred books.
  • At least 100 books.
  • I don't know, I've lost count!
  • Maybe 10 or 20 books.
  • I'm not much of a reader.

What sort of city or town did you live in?

What sort of city or town did you live in?
  • A large prosperous town.
  • A small prosperous town.
  • A not so large town.
  • A very rural town.
  • A very large city.

In your opinion, Friday nights are for...

In your opinion, Friday nights are for...
  • Going out
  • Staying in
  • Doing whatever you please!
  • Eating take out
  • Going to bed early