How Positive Are Your Thoughts?
How Positive Are Your Thoughts?
Do your thoughts have a cynical side to them?
When you make a big mistake, what do you usually think?

- What an idiot
- I keep making mistakes
- This is nothing I can't get over
- It's just a little mistake. It's no big deal.
When under pressure, which is most likely to run through your mind?

- This is gonna be absolutely terrible
- I got this, no worries
- Maybe it won't be so bad
- Hopefully I don't screw this up too bad
You just had a horrible day. What are you mostly thinking?

- My life sucks
- Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger
- Tomorrow is a new day
- What a terrible day
You wake up and notice you're an hour late for work. What's most likely running through your head?

- I can't do anything right
- Here's the start of a crappy day
- At least it's only an hour
- This is no big deal
You've just finished an interview for your dream job. What's most likely going through your head?

- What if it didn't go as well as I thought?
- I absolutely bombed that
- I definitely got the job
- Hopefully they call soon
You have a first date scheduled in just a couple hours. What are you most likely thinking?

- Even if we don't hit it off, it'll be a fun opportunity
- This is gonna be so awkward
- What if they end up hating me?
- Hopefully we'll have enough to talk about
Your best friend hasn't called you back in almost a week. What are you most likely thinking?

- I hope they're okay
- I must've done something to make them hate me
- They must be pretty busy
- Hopefully I didn't upset them
You realize you just lost your wallet with all your important information. What are you most likely thinking?

- How could I've been so stupid to lose it
- No need to get stressed. I'll just call the bank tomorrow
- This totally sucks
- Why does this always happen to me?
You end up hurting a friend's feelings and now they're not answering your call. What are you most likely thinking?

- I made them hate me. I'm such a terrible person
- Why did I say that?
- I hope they aren't too hurt
- I should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes